Friday, March 11, 2011

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to bed we go

Bed time is one of my favorite times of the day.  No, definitely not because it's time for Carter to go to bed.  The reason I love it so much is because of how special the routine has become.  There are so many "little moments" captured during this time.  Carter knows exactly what's going on as we prepare for bed and he loves it.  There are nights that he has reached his limit for the day and starts to get over tired, but as soon as we start heading up the stairs, he lights up.  BATH TIME IS HERE! :)  He watches and listens to the water running with a sweet smile on his face.  Sure that part is darling, but the best is when we lay him on the towel to get him ready for the bath.  It's like an unexplainable overwhelming joy comes over him.  He gets bright, big eyes, and a heart warming ear to ear smile....and then....lets it all out....the crazy arms begin flailing, the wild legs get moving.  He is rocking and rolling in anticipation for this oh so joyous occasion.  You would think he just got his first taste of Starbucks Coffee the way he is thrilled (and wired).  Usually we enjoy watching this part so much that we let him "go go go" (as we say to him) for a few minutes.  The build up and anticipation is just so fun!  Then we put him in the bath.  Splish Splash I was taking a bath....all along a (fill in the day).  This is Carter's bath time theme song and seems to be just the encouragement he needs to rejuvenate for round two of kicking and flailing.  The bath time dance....

This is a good one-often though it's accompanied with the lit up eyes, the deep gasps of air as he tries to catch his breath from all the excitement while still letting out squeals of enjoyment.  And this is only part one. 
We wind down after this with dim lights and soft music as he eats.  Off to stories we go.  This is the part that spurred this post.  For bed time stories, Zach and I lie on either side of Carter on the floor with him all bundled up  in his pj's and blanket and relaxed with his paci.  Then we read him "Goodnight Moon" and "Guess How Much I Love You."  Carter is very all about feeling things and so he thrusts his arms out to both of our faces and makes sure that he is rubbing either faces or hands throughout the whole story time.  I love it every time.  It's so tender.  But last night, I not only loved it, but stopped to just be in that moment exactly.  Carter began rubbing the side of my cheek with his sweet hand and craning his head with big, searching eyes, to meet mine and look into them. Yes, it pierces my heart- in such a beautiful way.   At that point, my heart melts and I gaze back at him thinking of how beautiful this baby boy is and how he has changed my world.  He fills a part of my heart I didn't know I had.  It's like my heart grew a whole new chamber that is there to just love this little man. And I will.  Every single day of my life.   I know I'm all mushy, and gushy.  But have you ever felt the unconditional love of a child?   His touch is so charged with adoration. It's such a simple touch, a simple joy.   It's as if nothing else exists or matters in his life except the feel of his mommy's cheek.  He continues to rub my cheek and adds in squeezing my thumb at the same time.  A "don't let go, I just want to be near" kind of squeeze.  It's the purest, most beautiful moment.  That moment is one that is forever imprinted on my heart.  I know Zach has these moments too because as I'm reading, there are times that Carter is all curled up near Daddy and I see this tender look in Zach's eyes.  He experienced this same pure love.  Wow!
It's the perfect wrap up to a crazy, beautiful day.