Friday, May 13, 2011

Teething BITES!

Ohhh teething.  How unfair for these lil ones.  About a month ago Carter seemed sick:  runny nose mixed with a lot of congestion, low fever, fussiness.  It was accompanied with a chin outbreak and some ear pulling.  So, I was back and forth on whether Carter caught what Zach had or was teething.  Turns out it was a mix.  Lucky boy!  The beginning was not fun, those symptoms caused him to have sleepless nights for about 4 nights.  I was in his room anywhere from 6-10 times per night.  Not like him.  Usually, it's zero!  But, lo and behold, his first tooth popped in on the bottom center-the left one.

Mom came over Tuesday night to spend the nigth with me since both of our hubbies were gone.   On Wednesday she watched Carter while I went to my old classroom to clear it out of some of my old stuff.  When I got home she said Carter was very upset and wouldn't calm down easily.  She was not sure what it was seeing how she tried everything to calm him.  Because his nap was so short (45 min usually 1 1/2 hours) he was still very cranky when I was home, which is just not like my happy baby.  I put him down for another nap and Mom and I got started on an organizing project in my closet.  When he got up, he was very hot.  He had a 101 fever.  That explains it.  Definitely teething again.  His top tooth on the right is coming in, which is out of the norm of the 2 lowers showing up first usually.

 Mom left and I was waiting for Zach to get home from a business trip.  Long story short, his flight was cancelled because of rain in Dallas.  I don't do good staying home alone - in fact, I haven't stayed alone with Carter yet overnight.  Mom has stayed with me every time.  But, she was already back in Arlington.  My choices were be a big girl and stay or drive all the way to Arlington when Carter was already snug in bed for the night.  I decided to stay.  I was not excited to be alone, with a teething baby who had a fever and didn't feel good.  The good news:  though I was in Carter's room a whole lot that night, I did good and so did he! :)  I didn't go to bed until around 4:00- half because Carter needed me, and half because I can't sleep when Zach is gone.  But, though I was running on 2 hours of sleep the next day, I felt pretty good.  And the better news was that Carter woke up a much happier lil man!  His tooth hasn't quite come through, but his pain must be subsiding a bit. 
My happy guy before I left on Wednesday- lower tooth and all
In all his misery:  poor guy.  We sent this to Daddy to convince him to come home!

Back to his smiley self the next day!
Now, I just hope that this teething process is speedy and maybe will even grace us with multiple teeth coming in at a time to get through it as quick as possible. 

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