Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I love my family!  Easter 2011

We had an exciting, fun filled, loud, special Easter this year.  Like I've said so many times with our family gatherings of late, the decibal is definitely a notch higher these days with three chatty kids around.  That sure makes get togethers exciting and NOISY! :)  But that's the fun of it.  Easter- and holidays in general - seem to be their best with the hustle and bustle of family and friends gathered together making memories.  Ours sure did just that! 

The boys at 6 months and 6 1/2 months

This year we had G-Pops in town as he looked for a place to live in Dallas since he has gotten a permanent job with a hospital here.  What a treat it was to have him.  We also had Gramma Angie (Danny's mom) here for the holidays with us.  So our family of 7 (pre kids) was expanded to a family of 12 for this holiday!  It was just a beautiful time together.  We got to Dad and Mom's around 8:30 to put Carter down for a nap (HAHA), which never happened, and have breakfast, which...did happen.  :)  Usually Dad cooks eggs benedict but this year Mom had the joy of doing it because Dad was at the hospital with Travis who split is face open on a rod iron table at a friends.  He got to spend Easter morning getting stitches by his eye and across the bridge of his nose.  Yikes.  But, never-the-less, breakfast was delicious.  We headed off to Mom and Dad's church- yes Dad and Travis made it back by then- and celebrated our Saviour with some great praise and worship and a good message.  I will admit though, I wasn't able to concentrate as much on it this year because I had 2 adorable distractions sitting by me.  My son, who despite not napping and being up now for 4 hours, was all smiles and giggles, and my nephew, Landon, who was not sure what to make of Carter's behaviour yet was completely engaged in playing with him.  The two of them sat facing one another and smiled together as they were reaching to grab eachother's noses, paci's and anything else that protruded.  And here I was worried that "my poor, sleepy baby" would not be able to make it through the service.  Au contrare!  On the way out of the service, the halls were lined with people ready to make it in the next one and Carter thought it was a precession to admire him.  He made eye contact with nearly every person we passed and gave them that great big gummy life is good smile!  It sure made me laugh though as I watched these strangers light up!  :)

Carter's favorite position with his G-Pops
Angie with C

Captain and Landon

Fabulous grandparents loving on C

Hiners <3
 He crashed HARD on the drive back though and luckily that lead to a good 2 hour nap.  During that time, I got to enjoy hanging with the family and playing with my sweet neice and nephew. 

Christi and Danny set up a small Easter egg hunt for their kiddos so that was fun to watch both - but mostly Kenadi - go through and discover these colorful eggs filled with goodies!!  YUMMMM raisins!!!  What a good Mom..errr...Bunny to bring healthy treats mixed in.  We cheered them on, then snagged their set up for a quick photo shoot of Lil C!

Easter dinner was very delicious!  As any holiday, we indulged (or I should speak for myself only) way to much but loved every moment.  The table was set with chocolate bunnies for all....except Mom.  Dad, knowing she wouldn't eat the chocolate, made her a very special bunny- an avocado bunny with a blackberry tail! :)  Very creative Dad!
Pics of our fun for the day:

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