Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said....

Today we had Carter's 6 month checkup!!  I have a love-hate relationship with these.  I adore our doctor, Dr. Burns, and love finding out what she has to say about him in his abilities, his weight and height, and what we should look forward to.  I hate the shots!!  It's obvious that I struggle more with them than Carter does.  The first shot, he doesn't budge.  It's like he's thinking, "that's all you got?"  The second shot always gets a red face cry out of him but lasts only 4 seconds.  Momma on the other hand is sad longer than that.  I do like though right afterwards when he reaches his chubby little arms up to me and pulls my neck down to him to snuggle.  I love that he's finding comfort in me....that's what all mommy's want-right?! :) 
So the report:
He weighs 18 lbs 5 oz putting him in the 70%  His height is 27" long which is 60%.  I was a bit surprised by his weight because the scale at home has him pegged for 20 pounds...and my back agrees with that.  But on the good side, that means whatever it says I weigh is actually 2 pounds off in my favor.  :) 
So, what're his skills now?
Besides being flexible enough to constantly suck on his toes....

he can sit on his own.  Though, because we have all hard floors, I don't go to far when he's sitting.

He scoots...BOY DOES HE SCOOT!  If there is something in his vision that he wants, you better believe he's going to get there!  He pushes up- n multiple ways.  He pushes all the way up on outstretched straight arms, he arches into a V shape with his booty in the air, and here and there he semi combines the two.  He's close to crawling I've got to believe with his strength and determination.Dr. Burns has mentioned at every visit how strong he is!

  I have 4 main words I would use to describe Carter at this stage:  1.  Joyful,


4. and strong.  So, the doctor and I agree. 
Carter talks non stop.  He loves to make sounds and (LOUD) sounds, which you might call screaming or more appealiing, squealing.  He gets incredibly excited if eye contact is made with him and that will get him laughing and squealing.  He also now entertains himself...and thinks he's funny.  Yesterday, he was jabbering away and started laughing.  I was doing something off to the side and thought he was laughing at me, so I made sure to get his attention, did it again, and waited for the big declaration of mommy's hilarity.  Blank stare.  He turned away, started playing again and laughing...it was at himself.  :)  It made me laugh.  He comes across that trait honestly though because I make myself laugh all the time too---so do my mom and sister.  He's doomed.  :)
He eats big boy food.  He is loving his homemade foods and eating more of a variety every day.  He also is aquiring a taste for those icky sweet potatoes now.  :)  Dr. Burns said I could start doing meats...I'm just not sure I'm ready to give them to him because I'm a bit weird about meats anyways and I don't feel like it's going to be easy to digest for him.  We'll see.

Key questions I had:
Carter daily will briefly stop what he's doing and put his arms straight and shake.  It is about a 2-3 second ordeal but a bit freaky.  Right after the blank stare that accompanies the shake, he'll look at me and smile in a big way.  I knew it wasn't hurting him, but didn't know if it was a sign of anything serious.  The good news:  most babies do that.  Dr. Burns said most parents report that to her.  PHEW!  Nothing to worry about.
Some of C's favorites now:
  • Talking to us

  • His green frog (loves to snuggle)

  • Playing with Paci- one hand to the other
  • His bouncer and his car walker

With all this growing and learning and exploring, he crashes hard too!

Our 9 month check up is next and Dr. Burns said Carter will probably be walking at this one.  That's quite a thought!!!

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