Monday, May 9, 2011

Best Mother's Day with the whole family!

Mommy and Carter

Mom and all 3 of her kids
What a special Mother's Day this was!  It started with  touching cards from my hubby and son -- along with my watch I've been wanting! :)  Spoooiii---iiilllleeedd!  We headed off to go to church with my parents since this is always my Mom's special request.  She loves having her family together at church.  Carter was way past a nap, but was great at church, making us all smile, along with the people around.  He was bouncing from lap to lap and when he was near strangers, he was showing them his toys with a big ol smile! :)  He knows how to be a ham- it sure brought extra smiles on Mother's Day! :)
We went to Mom and Dad's after for our dinner cooked by the 4 guys (Of course Zach got Mom and I Starbucks ---you know your ladies all too well).  They came up with a wonderful menu.  We had salmon on cedar planks on the grill, huge chunky grilled veggies-zucchini, squash, red and green peppers, and 1.5 pounds of macaroni!   OOOOO it was amaizng.  And guess what...between 7 of us, everything was gone, including the macaroni in entirety!!!  What a feat!  They served us cheesecake for desert.  And yes, evern after that show of devouring the food, we stilll partook in it.
The wonderful thing about this Mother's Day was our special time with our whole family celebrating all 3 of us.  As always we had a great time with the kids and were sure to capture their fun too!
Carter practiced preparing to crawl

The boys played together- with their mommies

Kenadi played with Uncle Zach
The 4 of us girls were silly and decided that the Kentucky Derby was today, we needed to take a picture in Derby attire- bring on the hats!

It was pretty hot out but we couldn't pass up some photo opps since our family was all together! 
They truly enjoy eachother's company

Captain and Landon- my nephew

Gigi and Kenadi- my niece

Gigi and the boys
Christi and her babies

My wonderful husband and I

I have the greatest, most beautiful parents
Mom made sure to get a few special pictures of all her babies too.  She can do whatever she wants, it's her special day!

And I got a special one with my parents too!
We had such a fun day playing together.  We were all going our seperate ways around 3...orrr we thought so.  The Hiner crew were heading home to celebrate Danny's mom at dinner, Dad was heading to the airport to go to Prague for work, and the Johnston's were going home to have our special family celebration.  When we went to the car, we ran across a dilemma, we locked the keys in the car when we turned it on to cool it off....bummer!  Luckily, Pops moved up to Dallas today and is a block from our house.  So he went over, grabbed our spare key, and rescued us.  We made it home about 1 1/2 hours after planned but that wasn't much of a set back!
The very best part of Mother's Day happened next.  We were playing with Carter before putting him to bed.  I was singing him a silly song that didn't make sense, but seemed to be entertaining him.  When I got stumped on the next line --- looking quickly for something that rhymed with about--Zach said trout.  So, I incorporated that into the song....OHHHH we couldn't have come up with anything better.  Carter started hystarically laughing--so much so that he was gasping to breathe in between laughs.  We all had tears running down our faces from laughing so hard.  And it wasn't a one hit wonder.  It went on for a solid 15 minutes.  The 3 of us were just uncontrollably laughing.  And you know, any time a child starts laughing, you will do anything to keep it going.  So, that meant adding in a trout fish face.  Oh, that was the icing on the cake for Carter.  I would do it over and over though for the reaction it got!  It was definitely one of my favorite moments in C's 7 months so far and for sure the best part of Mother's Day!!  I wish at that moment, we were on a reality show so that I could have that on video.  But, it is permanently imprinted in my mind!  I'll never forget that.
When we put Carter to bed, Zach finished our celebration day by making blackberry pancakes and fresh fruit.  We talked over our coffee and meal and just sat in awe of how blessed we are with our little family, and our big family.  :)

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