Monday, May 2, 2011

We did it!

This weekend, Zach and I had a friend's engagement party to attend so Mom was going to come babysit Carter for us for a night out.  We also have a very quick approaching summer trip, in which we will be leaving our sweet baby for 1 week with his Gigi and Captain.  That means Carter (ok, Mommy really) needs to be comfortable being away overnight.  Truthfully, it will probably affect me more! :)  Zach and I have been trying to think of a night that would be great to leave Carter over night and realizing we're running out of time, thought why not this night? 
So, realizing that I think leaving for just a night would be easy, we had to do more.  C is a great sleeper and once in bed (usually between 7:15-7:45) he's out for the night.  We don't hear from him until the following morning around 6:30-7:00 so I figured it would be very simple for my parents.  Also, leaving for just a day is easy. I do this fairly often (at least once a week). There's comfort knowing that whatever kind of day he had, his Mommy will be able to soothe him, or just play if he doesn't need soothing, when she gets back.  Where I figured my struggle would be was combining a full day and night.  More than a 24 hour period.  So, that's just what I wanted to do.
We dropped Carter off before his first nap, around 8:30 and headed off for our special day.  We did many of our old favorites.  Nothing fancy, just had a coffee date at Starbucks, which many of you know is a staple for us.  We sat outside in the sunshine for a little over an hour, talking interruption free....though of course some of that conversation was about Lil C.  Then went to our usual shopping spots which included getting a few pairs of shoes each! :)  and some cute clothes for Carter.  We decided to grab lunch at Idle Rich to enjoy their patio and have an afternoon beer!  YUM! :)  Then we headed home to get ready for Kristen and Travis' engagement party. 

Great quality time with the man I love more every day!
 We had a great time celebrating their upcoming wedding.  It was a beautiful house, great dessert table! (a plus in my book), and a good time meeting her and catching up with him.  Zach and I also just enjoyed being out for an evening.  We dogo out sometimes, but those days have definitely dwindled in the last 7 months.  We wouldn't trade it though. 
Overall, it was successful!  I didn't cry at all.  I was a little anxious leaving him initially but my mom is so great and lets me call as often as I like so I called after each nap.  :)  When I woke up at 7 the next morning (out of habit), I was excited that I could go back to sleep but also ready to get Carter.  I dozed in and out until just before 9---when did this last happen?!?  Quite wonderful!  We headed to family dinner after that.
Everything went great for my parents.  Carter was good and easy and they discovered he LOVES dogs!  He went next door to play with the neighbor's and was squealing and laughing while they were licking and running around him. 
Zach and I are looking to see what our next over night will be!
Now I know I can and will we'll just see how a whole week goes!.....

1 comment:

  1. My mom called right after Carter and your mom left and was so excited to tell me about how Carter LOVED the dogs!! She said he just kept squealing and giggling, the dogs seemed confused by how happy he was to see them!! She said every time they moved or wagged their tails Carter just cracked up! I wish I could have been there to witness that cuteness :) Glad y'all had a great night out.
