Monday, March 28, 2011

Unexpected Roadtrip

Wednesday I was heading to the zoo with my sister, mom, and kiddos!  On the way to the zoo though, I got a call from Pops saying that he was in the hospital.   He went to work after having chest pains and shortness of breath since 6 pm the night before.  They took one look at him and called an ambulance.  He was checked in and tests were started. The docs said it was unbeliebable that he was alive since he toughed out that much trauma the night before.  He wasn't sure what it was or how long he'd be in the hospital.  Zach and I decided we needed and wanted to go down to be with him and talk to the doctors to get the scoop on exactly what's going on.  We continuously got updates throughout the day.  So far, we knew it was an irregular heart beat and that tests needed to be done to see if and how much the heart was damaged.  The doctors said his lungs filled up with fluid since his heart was working so hard.  That's the reason he couldn't breath.  Luckily, his lungs drained themselves once he was put on medicine to lower his heart rate. 
We loaded up ( A TON of stuff---it sure takes a lot to travel with a baby, even for 4 days ) and headed out about 30 minutes before C's nap.  Bright idea on our part!!  He slept for the majority of the drive and woke up when we stopped to eat- which is when we needed him to eat.  The hour plus down that remained was easy and he entertained himself well.  I seriously think I have the best baby!!! :)  I'm partial, I know.  :)
We went straight to the hospital and Zach went in to see him and get the updates while C and I played outside on a grassy hill- didn't think it was a good idea to take him into the emergency room.  After getting to Pops' house and setting up our junk, Zach went back to spend the rest of the day with him and be with him through a procedure that they cut a slot into the groin to insert a tube up- to the heart.  Here they were looking for clogged valves, plaque on the heart, etc.  They were shocked that it looked pretty clear.  He spent the night in the hospital Wednesday and Thursday night. 
I was able to get his place clean and Zach and I cooked a few weeks worth of  (HEALTHY) dinners to freeze.  Carter went with me to the grocery store and had his first ride in a shopping cart without the carrier.  BIG boy!  He wasn't sure what to make of it, it was fun, it was scary.  It was new! :)

He was released Friday with instrucrtions to come back Monday for another procedure (an ablation) very similar to the first one, only this time 5 tubes will be inserted and  pictures will be taken the whole way through.  Here, they are looking for the cadence of his heart, extra knobes, and any rogue cells.  He is in right now with things started, so I will update when we know final results. 
It was a scary reason to head down, but resulted in a nice time with Pops.   We told Pops if he wants us to visit, he can just ask, doesn't need to head to the ER! :) The doctors said he could go about normally, so we took him on Saturday to lunch and to the outlet malls- we only went into 3 stores but it was nice to get out and I'm sure for him to move around a bit.  We had yummy dinners with him the 2 nights he was home with us.  I think the best kind of medicine is loving on a sweet baby.  Carter had fun with his G-Pops.  The 3 guys even dressed the same in their gator gear one day.

Carter's trying to figure out the Gator Chomp that they're showing him
Carter did great on the ride home too- it was just as smooth! 
Please keepPops in your prayers for easy and informative operation and healing.  We love you G-Pops!

1 comment:

  1. What a scary time. I hope he only continues t get stronger and stronger!
